Yes, you could win a FREE handbag, simply click on this link and pick out the handbag you would like to win!Have Fun!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Family Fun Day
As many know (and many may not) I am homeschooling Abigail this year and she is doing GREAT! She enjoys that she is able to go away for a few days but is able to take her work with her. As with any school, there are some rewards! We had told Abigail after she had finished her first quarter of work she would be able to go to a 'special place' of her choosing. Sort of like a school field trip. My parents had been to the Butterfly House in Whitehouse, Ohio and Abigail thought that sounded nice. With the busyness of every day life we had not been able to take her anywhere yet. We knew the Butterfly House would be closing soon so we finally made a little time to go down there. It's actually only a 45 minute drive from our house so that made it nice also. Here are just a few pictures I took. Believe me there are MANY MANY more. I go overboard sometime LOL. You were not allowed to touch the butterfly's but from time to time they would land on you. Abigail & Zachary LOVED this. Zachary would say I just want to stand or sit still so one will land on me. Maybe that is what I need to invest in ~ a Butterfly House ~ then I can get him to stand/sit still LOL Enjoy the pictures!
Abigail & Zachary in front of the Butterfly House
Zachary had a butterfly land on his chest....Hannah had a butterfly on her nose of all places!
This is their "drinking fountain" (don't really know what they call it) they are scrubby's with water in them for the butterfly's to drink...A butterfly landed on my DH's shoulder
Dad and Mom waiting for a butterfly to land on them
My little butterfly's Abigail & Zachary
Mommy & Daddy with their butterfly's
My beautiful butterfly Abigail
This was a Mule Drawn Canal Boat...they didn't have the boat going today. We were able to look around on the boat though. We are going to try to go back someday when the rides are going. Sounds very interesting!
This was a bed & breakfast house that allowed you to tour their house and things around their yard. Usually they let you tour their rooms but this was their Apple Butter Festival Weekend and they were full. We were allowed to go in the back so here are a few pictures.
This picture turned out a little dark but I LOVE the background of the sunset!
Posted by
10/11/2008 08:50:00 PM
Labels: Field Trip
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
WOW WAS THIS EVER FOR ME TODAY!!!! I've been a little, okay A WHOLE LOT, depressed, discouraged whatever you want to call it. I've felt all alone at times and not knowing which way to turn. Oh if we would only turn to Jesus in those time things would be SOOO much easier. I was browsing a friends blog and found this clip from Chonda Pierce. I just love her to pieces!!! As the song "What a Friend in Jesus" came on it touched me deeply.
What a Friend we have in Jesus
All our sins & griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
EVERYTHING to God in prayer.
O what peace we often forfeit
O what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
EVERYTHING to God in prayer.
How many times in just the last few weeks have I had trials, burdens etc come my way and I, BY MY OWN CHOICE, have forfeited that peace and borne that needless pain, all because I have choosen not to take EVERYTHING to God in prayer. Too many times I find myself trying to fix things on my own and then expect God to fix my mess. If only I would just take it all to HIM FIRST! The next verse goes on to say....
Have we trials and temptaions
Is there trouble anywhere
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Yes, I've had those trials & temptations & trouble lately. Sometimes, it has seemed more than my share, but I haven't found a Friend who is so faithful as HE is and shares ALL, NOT PART, BUT ALL my trials, temptations & troubles. He knows my weakness!!! All I have to do is take it to Him in prayer. The last verse says...
Are we weak & heavy laden
Cumbered with a load of care
Precious Saviour still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Do thy friends despise forsake thee
Take it to the Lord in prayer
In His arms He'll take and shield thee
Thou wilt find a solace there.
Again, yes I'm weak & heavy laden and cumbered with a LOAD of care, but Jesus is MY refuge. While friends have despised & forsaken us we just have to remember to take it to HIM. He will wrap us in His arms and shield us and we WILL find that SOLACE there.
I know this has been rather lengthy for me, but I've been going through a lot lately and feeling all alone. As I watched this clip it was like the Lord's presence settled down here in the living room and He wrapped His arms around me and said "Sarah you need to just bring it ALL to me" That's a VERY HARD step for me. I can say ok I'll take it to Him but then I've got to LEAVE IT! Well, I don't know if you got anything out of my ramblings but I have been very Blessed! Now I need to go find some cleaning supplies and clean this keyboard off since I've made a slimy mess *SMILES* Just remember TAKE IT TO THE LORD IN PRAYER...
Posted by
10/07/2008 04:36:00 PM
Labels: Encouragement
Monday, October 6, 2008
My Little Fireman
The local fire department had an open house and Zachary was EXCITED to be able to go. He has said for as long as I can remember he wants to be a Fireman when he grows up. He was DEFINITELY in his glory being here and what a surprise for him when Life Flight was there and Zachary got to sit in the driver seat. He will talk about this for DAYSSSS to come! In a few days, his class at school is going back to the fire station and he is SOOOO excited! He can't get enough of it I guess...A TRUE FIREMAN!
As you probably noticed, Abigail was not in any of these pictures. She had spent the week with my grandma 4 1/2 hours away and did not get to go. Maybe another time.
Posted by
10/06/2008 04:57:00 PM
Labels: My Fireman
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